A political Mexican Stand-off based on intrigue and deceit. Undo your rivals the Good Way, the Bad Way or the Ugly Way!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Outlaws Production Update #3
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 11:35:22 PM
Greetings governors,
As it is still the Chinese New Year period we don’t have much news to give you on the subject of production but we do have the Stretch Goal Rule book for you to go over!
Just like last time, let us know if there’s any errors or points that need to be clarified!
Bonjour les Gouverneurs,
Comme nous sommes toujours dans la période du Nouvel An Chinois, nous n'avons pas beaucoup de nouvelles à vous donner au sujet de la production du jeu, mais nous pouvons vous proposer le livret de règles des Stretch Goals !
Comme toujours, n'hésitez pas à nous faire vos retours si vous voyez des choses à modifier.
Outlaws Production Update #2
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 03:07:56 PM
Howdy Governors,
A quick project update for you all : everything is moving along smoothly, and Outlaws is going ahead for pre-production ! We’re currently waiting on the final design of the plastic tray that will hold ALL the components of the Kickstarter.
We also now have the finished rulebook for your consideration! Don’t hesitate to take a look and give us your feedback on anything missing, any mistakes, loopholes, rifts in the fabric of reality, etc.
Note that if the images appear a little blurry, it’s perfectly normal, we’ve done this to make the file easier to load. You can access the file here.
We’ll be posting more updates and photos soon!
- Bonjour les Gouverneurs !
Voici les dernières actualités du projet. Tout progresse bien, et la préproduction va bientôt commencer !
Actuellement, nous attendons le design final de l'insert plastique qui permettra de ranger confortablement tous les éléments du Kickstarter.
Nous avons également le livret de règles finalisé à vous proposer. N’hésitez pas à le lire et de nous faire vos retours si vous remarquez des choses à améliorer.
Les images seront un peu floues mais ne vous inquiétez pas, nous avons fait exprès afin d'alléger les fichiers. Vous pouvez les regarder en cliquant ici.
Nous reviendrons bientôt avec de nouvelles actualités et des photos !
Outlaws Production Update #1
about 7 years ago
– Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 05:23:37 PM
Greetings Governors,
We hope that you all had a great holiday season, and we wish you all a very happy New Year! Our apologies for having been a little quiet over the holiday season, but we’re now back to business, and we have a few announcements to make.
First of all, as you may have already heard if you happen to be following our Museum project, we have some rather sad news. Our wonderful and talented artist Vincent Dutrait contacted us over the holidays to let us know that unfortunately, due to personal and family issues, he is going to have to take a step back from some of his projects, including his graphic design work for Outlaws. Vincent will be scaling back his workload in order to spend more time with his family. We fully support and respect his decision, as family should always come first.
What does this mean for you, our backers? Unfortunately, due to Vincent’s situation we are only just wrapping up the final elements of the graphic design now. Although we're still trying to find a solution with Longshore, it’s looking unlikely that we will be able to start production before Chinese New Year. Due to the disruptions that it causes in the industry, Outlaws could now be up to 2 months late, although we are doing are very best to try and keep things on schedule. We’re truly sorry for the delay, but although we try very hard to ensure that all of our projects are delivered on time and to the highest quality, some things are out of our control. Rest assured, we will be doing everything we can to get your games to you as soon as possible.
Production is the only element we’re waiting on now as, aside from a few tweaks to the rulebook, all the graphical elements are ready to roll out!
Notice something off? There's actually 16 cards now instead of 12. It turns out Jeremy had some more ideas in stock so we thought we'd include them!
Additionally, we received an advanced prototype for the cards with a new cut pattern for the stands. Not only does this slot minimise the contact between the two pieces, therefore reducing wear and tear, it does so whilst being sturdy and easy to assemble! Needless to say we’re very happy with the results!
Concerning the rest of the team, after a good rest we’re back and firing on all cylinders, and we’ll be keeping you up to date with each step of the project. Until then, we hope that your year is off to a great start, you’ll be hearing from us soon!
Bonjour les Gouverneurs!
Nous espérons que vous avez passé de bonnes vacances, et nous vous souhaitons une très Bonne Année ! Nos excuses pour cette période assez longue durant laquelle vous n’avez pas reçu de nouvelles du projet, mais nous avons maintenant quelques annonces à faire.
Tout d’abord, comme vous le savez peut-être déjà si vous suivez notre projet Museum, nous avons une triste nouvelle à vous annoncer. Notre artiste très talentueux, Vincent Dutrait, nous a contacté pendant les vacances pour nous informer qu’il a des problèmes personnels et familiaux, qui l’obligent à se retirer en partie de ses projets, y compris son travail de Graphic Design pour Outlaws. Vincent va réduire sa charge de travail afin de passer plus de temps avec sa famille. Il a le soutien de toute l’équipe de Holy Grail Games, car la famille doit passer avant tout !
Qu’est-ce que cela veut dire pour vous, en tant que participants au projet ? Malheureusement, à cause de la situation de Vincent nous venons tout juste de terminer les derniers éléments de graphic design d’Outlaws. Nous essayons de négocier avec Longshore, mais il est maintenant assez improbable que le jeu puisse partir en production avant le Nouvel An Chinois. Comme les productions sont fortement perturbées durant cette période, Outlaws risque de prendre jusqu’à deux mois de retard. Nous en sommes vraiment désolés pour ce changement ; nous faisons de notre mieux pour que nos projets soient toujours livrés à temps, mais parfois les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu. Mais rassurez-vous, nous ferons tout pour que vos jeux soient entre vos mains au plus vite !
La production est maintenant la seule chose qui nous reste à faire, car à part quelques dernières modifications au niveau du livre de règles, tous les éléments graphiques sont prêts !
Vous avez remarqué qu’il il y a 16 cartes au lieu de 12 ? Jérémy avait encore quelques idées, alors nous les avons rajouté !
Nous avons également reçu un prototype avancé des cartes, avec un nouveau plan de coupe pour les pieds. En plus de minimiser le contact entre les deux pièces (ce qui permet de réduire l’usure de ces dernières), il permet de les rendre plus stables et faciles à assembler. Nous sommes vraiment ravis du résultat !
Concernant le reste de l’équipe nous sommes de retour, bien reposés pour commencer cette nouvelle année ! Nous vous tiendrons au courant de chaque étape du projet. Nous espérons que cette nouvelle année a bien commencé pour vous tous, à bientôt !
Snow in the West
about 7 years ago
– Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 12:24:50 AM
Greetings Governors!
I hope you are all well and enjoying the start to the festive season!
Some of you may have noticed that your pledges for Outlaws have now been locked down! Thank you all for completing the survey so effectively!
Whilst your orders are now locked, don’t forget that you can always go back and change your shipping address right up to just before we start shipping! On that note, we’ll also be sending out a reminder to you shortly before then, so you have a final chance to update!
Some of you may be getting a Credit cards errored email, don’t panic We're not the bank or the phone company—you're not in trouble! We understand that minor glitches like this happen! The email should give you instructions for updating your payment info! However, it being the xmas season some of you may be slightly stretched budget wise, so if you’d like to pay after X-mas then feel free too, we’ll send you a reminder early in the new year :)
Also if you need any help sorting things out, feel free to contact backer kit via the link provided, their help team is super nice and they will get you squared away!
So what’s next? well, pre-production for the game is going well and we’ll be finalising the files over the x-mas holidays before going to Print Early January. We’ll be sure to show you the finalised rulebook and print files once they’re ready to go!
Before I go I just wanted to give a shout out for our newest campaign: Museum!
With Vincent Dutrait at the artistic helm, Museum is a big box game of set collection with simple yet effective rules that have more than a bit of depth to them. If you like what you see then be sure to check out the campaign page!
Until then folks I wish you all a very happy xmas and an excting new year!
News from out West
about 7 years ago
– Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 11:57:14 PM
Greetings Governors !
A quick update to let you know that everything has been going swimmingly with the pledge manager and we are more or less complete!
We’re currently finalising the print files so we should be on schedule for next month!
We’re also glad to announce that, thanks to the folks from Longshore, we’ve found THE perfect fixing for the character cards. Very stable yet at the same time minimising wear between the cards and the stand. I’m hoping we can show all this to you soon!
We’ll be back soon once we have more pre-production news to share!
Have a nice end to your week and a happy Thanksgiving to our Americain supporters!